Bryan Kim

Bryan Kim


More About Bryan

Bryan Kim (“BK”) is a partner at Andreessen Horowitz where he invests primarily in consumer and app-layer AI companies. Today, BK serves on the boards of BeReal and Snackpass.

Previously, he was chief financial officer at Bungalow, where he oversaw finance, business strategy, market expansion, and partnerships.

Prior, Bryan was at Snap, taking on leadership roles during the company’s pivotal hyper-growth, early monetization, and pre- and post-IPO years. As a senior director, he led the growth & product operations team responsible for Snap’s user growth and international expansion. Earlier at Snap, he built and led the company’s finance team from zero to 70+ team members and quarterbacked multiple funding milestones, including Snap’s IPO. He was also a founding strategy team member, having identified, acquired, and helped integrate Snap’s acquisitions of Lookersy (powering Snap AR Lenses) and Bitmoji.

Bryan was also a founding general partner at Uncommon Projects, an operator-run seed fund.

Bryan started his career in finance as an investment banker at Credit Suisse. He holds a BA in Economics and International Relations from Carleton College, and MBA from Columbia Business School.

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