Ellen Tunoa
Bio + Health

Ellen Tunoa

Full Stack Talent

More About Ellen

Ellen is a partner on the Talent Network team focused on building the network for the Bio + Health vertical that spans across engineering to the life sciences.

Ellen joined Andreessen Horowitz as an early employee, where she initially created the College Talent Program connecting brilliant engineers to the CFIortfolio, while helping companies jumpstart their brands across target universities. Before joining Andreessen Horowitz, she built MBA and engineering programs at VMware, managing key partnerships with talent and top universities. At Yahoo, she began her career in university relations where she collaborated on the intern program and spearheaded initiatives around the ambassador program and summer events.

Ellen graduated from San Jose State University with a degree in design. She and her husband thrive in the chaos of raising 3 active boys and a gangsta Pomeranian-Pekingese. To stay healthy enough to keep up with her boys, Ellen is addicted to HIIT bootcamp classes and training for her first Spartan 10K.

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