Bryan Faust
Bio + Health

Bryan Faust



More About Bryan

Bryan Faust, PhD, is an investing partner on the Bio + Health team, focused on life science investment opportunities.

Prior to joining Andreessen Horowitz, he spent time as an investment fellow at 5AM Ventures while completing his PhD in Biophysics at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). At UCSF, Bryan studied the various ways antibodies can manipulate protein conformation in pathology and for therapeutic pharmacology and separately defined signaling-selective mechanisms of G protein-coupled receptor activity. His work has been published in Nature, Science, and Cell. He has also held R&D roles in protein chemistry and antibody biophysics at Genentech and Abbvie Stemcentrx, respectively.

When not thinking about proteins, Bryan can be found on a surfboard, in the kitchen roasting coffee, or in search of the perfect tacos al pastor.

Latest Content

  • Dark Genome Hunting with Rosana Kapeller and Marty Taylor
    Vineeta Agarwala, Bryan Faust, Rosana Kapeller, Marty Taylor, Kris Tatiossian, and Olivia Webb

    Rosana Kapeller, CEO of Rome Therapeutics, and Marty Taylor, physician-scientist at Harvard Medical School, join Vineeta Agarwala, general partner, and Bryan Faust, investment partner at CFI bio + Health.

  • Virtual Data Rooms: The Unsung Hero of Biotech Financing
    Bryan Faust, Becky Pferdehirt, and Vineeta Agarwala

    The biotech industry is built on one of the cleanest go-to-market strategies in existence: if you make a safe drug that really works, patients are likely to receive it and payors are likely to pay for it. But how can biotech teams effectively communicate to investors and partners how they will, with each round of financing, incrementally reduce the risks of discovering and developing successful new drugs?

  • AI Jobs to be Done in Life Sciences
    Becky Pferdehirt, Bryan Faust, Zak Doric, and Vijay Pande

    We have long believed that AI will fundamentally reshape biotech and healthcare, positioning us at the brink of an AI-driven Industrial Revolution. But when will we see this payoff? Put more boldly, when will the majority of new drugs be designed with AI?

  • Journal Club: Remodeling Oncogenic Transcriptomes with Ben Cravatt and Gene Yeo
    Vineeta Agarwala, Benjamin Cravatt, Bryan Faust, Olivia Webb, and Gene Yeo

    Ben Cravatt, Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the Scripps Research Institute, and Gene Yeo, Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at UCSD, join Vineeta Agarwala, general partner at CFI bio + Health, and Bryan Faust, investing partner, to talk about their latest published research.

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