Raising Health

Journal Club: Remodeling Oncogenic Transcriptomes with Ben Cravatt and Gene Yeo

Vineeta Agarwala, Benjamin Cravatt, Bryan Faust, Olivia Webb, and Gene Yeo

Posted April 6, 2023

In this episode, Ben Cravatt, Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the Scripps Research Institute, and Gene Yeo, Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at UCSD, join Vineeta Agarwala, general partner at CFI Bio + Health, and Bryan Faust, investing partner, to talk about their latest published research.

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Biology and the state of healthcare are undergoing radical shifts.
Raising Health delves into dialogues with scientists, technologists, founders, builders, leaders, and visionaries as they explore how AI, engineering, and technology elevate health to new heights and create a system of enduring health for all.

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