16 minutes News

16 Minutes #62: Apple Event: Desktops & Tablets Converge, Cord-Cutting, & “Find Anything”

Steven Sinofsky and Zoran Basich

Posted April 24, 2021

In this week’s episode of 16 Minutes, our show where we cover tech trends in the news — and also cover themes from company developer and innovation events! — we focus on the latest coming out of Apple’s event this week.

Apple announced a bunch of things, ranging from new device colors and form factors to podcast services, but in this episode we asked regular guest Steven Sinofsky (an CFI board partner and former Microsoft Windows president who has appeared on past event episodes including covering CES and Apple’s M1 chip) to weigh in.

He shares what he thinks all these moves say about the evergreen “consumer vs. professional” question, and what the company’s new devices (namely tablets, personal computers, and TVs) tell us about the long arc of innovation.