CFI Podcast

CFI Podcast: A Podcast about Podcasts

Ryan Hoover, Roman Mars, Erik Torenberg, Michael Copeland, and Sonal Chokshi

Posted October 4, 2015


Podcasts and podcasting have been around a while, but seem to be going through a renaissance of sorts — partly enabled by connected cars and other technologies. But how do we discover podcasts; is the ideal atomic unit the show, or an individual episode/topic? What makes a good podcast? And given their intimacy, how can brands and communities engage with podcasts?

We discuss this and more in this oh-so-meta episode of the CFI Podcast-about-podcasts. And to help us do that, we invited longtime podcaster and radio host Roman Mars — of the highly regarded design show 99% Invisible — as well as fans (and now curators) of podcasts, Ryan Hoover and Erik Torenberg of Product Hunt. Along with, of course, your CFI Podcast producers and hosts Sonal Chokshi and Michael Copeland.