CFI dcast

CFI dcast: Building Companies in Crypto, from People to Code

Tina Bhatnagar, Preethi Kasireddy, Lily Liu, and Kim Milosevich

Posted July 16, 2018

Whether it’s sharing the decision-making behind joining a crypto company to the perspectives of a passionate early adopter (or relative latecomer), this episode of the CFI Podcast — based on a panel from the “Intro to Crypto” event that Andreessen Horowitz and #Angels put on in April 2018 — covers what it takes to build companies in crypto, from people to code. You can find other sessions from the event, covering the building blocks of crypto to decentralization to the regulatory landscape, here.

Why crypto? What was the biggest surprise in the space? Do the same skills from other domains apply? This discussion, moderated by Kim Milosevich, explores these questions with Coinbase VP of Operations Tina Bhatnagar; CEO and founder of TruStory Preethi Kasireddy; and Lily Liu, co-founder at

photo credit: Erin Brethauer

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