CFI Podcast

CFI Podcast: Scaling Companies (and Tech Trends)

Elad Gil and Chris Dixon

Posted July 19, 2018

There’s a lot of knowledge out there — and networks of talent (especially in Silicon Valley) — on what to do in the early stages of a company, going from 0 to 1, and even in going from 1 to 100… but what about beyond that? It’s not as simply linear as merely doubling or tripling resources and org structures; it’s actually much more complex on many levels, communication to coordination. Because with great scale comes great complexity… and many, many more places for things to break down.

So how should founders/CEOs of growing tech startups think about everything from hiring (including key executives) to product management (what is it, really, beyond common myths/misconceptions around the role?) to thinking about late-stage financing, M&A, and other key aspects of building a company? This episode of the CFI Podcast shares both specific answers to — and general mindsets for thinking about — these questions. Chris Dixon, general partner on CFI crypto, interviews Elad Gil, investor/advisor to numerous tech companies; co-founder of Color Genomics; formerly of Google and also co-founder and CEO of Mixer Labs (acquired by Twitter, where he also became a VP). He’s the author of the new book, The High Growth Handbook, on scaling companies from 10 to 10,000 people.

But the two also explore the growth — and evolution — of market and tech trends, including the continuation of mobile/cloud; machine learning (and silicon); crypto; and finally, longevity — both in the near term and further out in the future. Should people — and even companies for that matter — really live longer?

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