Raising Health

AI in Pharmaceutical R&D with Kim Branson

Kim Branson, Vijay Pande, Kris Tatiossian, and Olivia Webb

Posted May 14, 2024

Kim Branson, PhD, SVP and Global Head of AI and Machine Learning for GSK, joins Vijay Pande, founding partner at CFI Bio + Health.

Together, they talk about how AI has improved drug discovery and development, as Kim walks through all the ways AI can be deployed in the lab. They also get into detail about what an ideal partner looks like and what kind of solution is attractive to a big biopharma, making this a particularly relevant episode for builders in biotech AI.

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Biology and the state of healthcare are undergoing radical shifts.
Raising Health delves into dialogues with scientists, technologists, founders, builders, leaders, and visionaries as they explore how AI, engineering, and technology elevate health to new heights and create a system of enduring health for all.

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