
Tech x Games Accelerator Coming to Los Angeles Summer ‘24


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CFI GAMES SPEEDRUN is back! Given the quality and volume of applicants, we’re bringing our Tech x Games accelerator to Los Angeles later this summer. SR003 will run for 12-weeks starting July 29th, culminating in a Demo Day during SF Tech Week. Applications will be open from April 1st to May 19th, 2024.

SPEEDRUN is CFI GAMES’ early-stage accelerator for startups at the intersection of Tech x Games. We invest $750K in each selected company.

Our intensive 12-week program is highly selective, with ~ 1% of applicants accepted in our last cohort. Participants are supported not just with capital, but also by a highly curated set of industry coaches, mentors, and a community of ambitious founders. 80% of companies from SPEEDRUN’s first cohort secured funding from investors following Demo Day.

What You’ll Get



SPEEDRUN Program Overview


Key Details + Dates


Success Stories + Impact

Diverse Participation


Who is eligible for SPEEDRUN?

Any early-stage founder that is building at the intersection of Tech x Games! Our current cohort has companies building everything from live ops tools, AI agents, 3D retopology, cozy games, and gamified horoscope apps.

How does CFI GAMES select teams for SPEEDRUN?

Great teams come in many shapes and forms but will generally have a few common traits:

  • Extremely high hustle and intellect
  • Earned secrets and a reason why they win
  • Strong, complementary skill sets (e.g., tech, business, GTM, etc.)
  • Proof of demand and/or validation of hypotheses (e.g., prototypes, metrics), which is encouraged, but not required!
How much does CFI GAMES invest?

CFI GAMES invests $750K in each accepted company.

Can I apply if I'm a solo founder?

Yes definitely! We’ve had solo founders in the program and have also helped solo founders match. However, since creating successful startups is a difficult endeavor, we generally prefer taking on teams with multiple founders.

What if I’ve already raised capital?

We aim to be the first check into your company, but we also take early-stage companies that have already raised capital.

Can I seek additional funding while participating?

Yes, the SPEEDRUN investment can be used alongside a wider round. However, we recommend that founders delay raising additional capital until they’ve had a chance to go through the program, make progress, and present on Demo Day.

How many companies does CFI GAMES admit into each cohort?

There is no minimum number of companies we will take for SPEEDRUN. Our main priority is keeping a very high bar for founders we admit into the program.

Which members of the CFI GAMES team will I collaborate with?

You will receive support from the entire CFI GAMES team in your company-building efforts across marketing, recruiting, HR, partnerships, publishing, and creators. You will also have a dedicated cohort lead from the investment team.

What are the dates of the SPEEDRUN program?

The LA program will run from July 29th – October 20th, 2024.

Does SPEEDRUN happen in person or virtually?

We encourage all SPEEDRUNNERs to temporarily move to Los Angeles to build community and require one day in person per week for founders to hear from luminary speakers and engage with other members of SR003.

What is the expected time commitment?

We want you to prioritize building your company, so SPEEDRUN is designed to only require one day a week in person for lectures, speakers, and office hours.

Does SPEEDRUN invest in multiple startups building within the same space?

Because these startups are so early and ideas often pivot, we may fund other startups in adjacent spaces.