The New Creator Stack

A Future for Independent Artists, Musicians, Writers, and Creators

Megan Holston-Alexander and Derek Dolin

A new suite of modern, accessible tools have made it easier than ever for creators to ideate, produce, and share their work with the world: from using AI-powered platforms to jumpstart an idea to software that manages payroll and insurance for production. New technologies enable creatives to not only produce work and run their businesses, but also break down roadblocks that have historically stifled the ability to remain independent. Artists and creators now have more opportunities to work on their own terms without corporate capital, obligations or oversight. This allows them to retain creative and financial ownership of their brand and IP, an increasingly important part of fostering authentic relationships with communities, fans, and collaborators.

Finding ways to support creatives in every stage of their process is critical to pushing this industry forward. This resonates deeply with the CFI Cultural Leadership Fund (CLF) team as we live at the intersection of culture and technology, connecting the world’s greatest cultural leaders with promising new technology companies. CLF has compiled The New Creator Stack: a view of companies building at the forefront of creativity and independence. These companies are developing new tools for production, publishing, distribution, community engagement, commerce, and even back office systems: areas we see as the most critical to artist independence.

Check it out and get in touch if it sparks your creativity to build together!