Raising Health

Medical Education and AI with Lloyd B. Minor

Lloyd B. Minor, Vijay Pande, Kris Tatiossian, and Olivia Webb

Posted August 22, 2023

Note: This episode was recorded as part of the Bio Eats World podcast, now known as Raising Health.

Lloyd B. Minor, MD, the Dean of the Stanford University School of Medicine, joins Vijay Pande, founding partner of CFI Bio + Health.

Together, Lloyd and Vijay chatted about how AI could change the practice of medicine, and what the implications are for medical students now and in the future.

join Lloyd and Vijay as they discuss AI and medical education—from how students learn to how doctors become licensed.

More About This Podcast

Biology and the state of healthcare are undergoing radical shifts.
Raising Health delves into dialogues with scientists, technologists, founders, builders, leaders, and visionaries as they explore how AI, engineering, and technology elevate health to new heights and create a system of enduring health for all.

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